Self Storage | Mini Storage | Storage Service Taiwan - Store Friendly

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Self Storage | Mini Storage | Storage Service Taiwan - Store Friendly

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Your No.1 Choice for Self Storage in Taiwan


Your No.1 Choice for Self Storage in Taiwan

High Quality Mini Storage Solutions

Store Friendly mini storage Taiwan is always dedicated to improving the quality of services and being more comprehensive in our range of solutions, for example we provide Store Friendly self storage, Store Friendly On Demand – our new door-to-door storage solution, Store Friendly Go – a robotics operated mini storage service package, Store Friendly Hobbies – our dedicated large space warehouse operation, as well as Work Friendly – which is our co-working office space for businesses etc.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

For individuals and small to medium sized businesses, Store Friendly offers many top-quality warehouse configurations for them to choose from. Our exceptional storage space solutions are all you will ever need. All of our storage facilities are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Become a Store Friendly member, and you will get a smart card. From then on, you can simply you’re your smart card to enter and exit all Store Friendly mini storage Taiwan branches 24 hours a day. To maintain optimal climate control, we use specialized air conditioning equipment to keep the humidity level at 30~70%RH and prevent mold and mildew. A 24/7 CCTV monitoring system is also installed at our facilities to ensure your stored belongings are most safe and secured. All our storage warehouses are fully implemented with stringent fire safety measures, and our professional team ensures we comply with the latest codes. This includes regular fire safety inspections, which help prevent devastating losses from fire. In addition to modern fire alarm equipment, we also provide warehouse insurance that covers members against personal risks. Store Friendly uses an ergonomic warehouse design, which allows customers to store goods safely and conveniently, without using a stacker. The most special of our features, Store Friendly has established leisure areas where we provide free coffee, internet Wi-Fi access and basic tools to customers when they would like to take a break or if they are tidying up their belongings. We always want to make our customers feel at home. If you are looking for a Taiwan self storage warehouse, Store Friendly is your best choice!

More Than 30 Different Mini Storage Sizes Available


More Than 30 Different Mini Storage Sizes Available

Store Friendly has more than 30 different sizes of mini storage units on offer, and our options range in size from 8 sq. ft to 64 sq. ft. Your storage space can also be customized according to a plan to take full care of your unique needs. The reason why Store Friendly is recommended as the first choice for self storage in Taiwan is because we are known for our professional and friendly service. If you have any questions about renting a self storage warehouse, our Storage Space Consultants who are all expertly-trained will be able to listen to your specific needs, and then assist you in locating the ideal warehouse size and suitable plan that fulfills your requirements. Customers don’t only have the option to rent, they can also purchase boxes with dimensions of 58cm x 36cm x 42cm and exclusively made locks from our branches. To cater to different methods of payment, Store Friendly currently offers a variety of payment methods, such as by cash, credit card, easy card, jko pay and Line pay for your choosing. Store Friendly in Taiwan also partners with a professional logistics team, so customers can enjoy reliable and convenient one-stop storage and moving services

We Can Store Anything For You!

As long as it is within the law, and not perishable and dangerous, we can help you store almost anything. For personal belongings, you can use our mini storage or warehouses to safe-keep your beloved items, where your collection can even be displayed in a private showcase. For businesses, there’s no such thing as too much storage space. With documents, equipment, materials, inventory, and more, it isn’t uncommon to run out of room, whether it is an office space or a workspace at home. Businesses in various industries rent self storage units to get some much-needed space for an affordable monthly rate, rather than expanding or relocating to a new office location. Store Friendly has a dedicated 24-hr customer service hotline 0800-212-222. Also, please feel free to send us a message by Line at @ccm9836g. For any further inquiries regarding our self storage services and options, you are encouraged to consult our facility managers.
【台北市自助儲物空間同業 公會理事一職】
【台北市自助儲物空間同業 公會理事一職】
【Store Friendly 榮獲「商界展關懷」15+】
【Store Friendly 榮獲「商界展關懷」15+】
儲存易迷你倉集團 除了不斷努力服務大眾 提供最優質的迷你倉服務外 也一直積極履行不同的 #企業社會責任 期望以自身專長及力量回饋社會,與各位一同成長。 今年獲頒「商界展關懷」15+標章 見證儲存易過去15年期間 在關懷 🎖社區🎖員工🎖環境 這三大範疇 儲存易持續不懈地努力與貢獻。
【我是呂萱萱:儲存易倉友 部落格文章】
【我是呂萱萱:儲存易倉友 部落格文章】
台灣儲存易倉友們高手雲集,連身為部落客的倉友都為儲存易 自發宣傳!在她的部落格文章內詳盡地描寫了—台北儲存易中和板橋分店的服務細節。 儲存易迷你倉簡介、自身的使用方式、適合租用的族群與當季優惠,將所有設備與服務都完整介紹一輪。非常感謝萱萱,成為中和板橋店儲存易的倉友一員外,還特地撰寫文章宣傳,真的好感動阿!!!
【StoreFriendly GO 全球首家智能儲存空間】
【StoreFriendly GO 全球首家智能儲存空間】
2018年10月, E-Zone 介紹StoreFriendly GO 智能儲存空間, 利用智能機械人, 令迷你倉更安全, 空間更能善用, 再不用周圍找自己的迷你倉, 按一按手機程式, 專責機械人幫你找倉搬倉, 享受全新的迷你倉體驗。
【 #儲存易迷你空間 x 兒福聯盟─孩子的守護者】
【 #儲存易迷你空間 x 兒福聯盟─孩子的守護者】
儲存易迷你空間創辦至今除了致力開拓迷你倉業務外,每年更以儲存易名義參與國內各項公益、慈善、義工活動, 樂於培育幫助年輕新世代。 2020疫情影響下,衝擊著公益團體的營運,儲存易主動致電與台灣兒福聯盟聯繫後,瞭解到公益產業窘境。 儲存易決心合作舉辦—「歡慶來台8周年 孩童公益繪畫比賽」。 期盼透過親子繪畫的過程,讓台灣家庭了解到兒福聯盟對兒少群體的努力、付出,藉此增加自發性的家庭善款樂捐,一同給孩子一個更好的世界。 儲存易這次有幸捐助兒童福利聯盟並合作舉辦活動,希望能為台灣兒童福祉盡上一點心力,從而讓台灣每一位孩子都能得到社會的重視與關懷。
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【儲存易 X 創世基金會】
【儲存易 X 創世基金會】
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